Monday, June 6, 2016

unit 3

The class textbooks had to be turned in for inventory, so you don't need to worry about the textbook assignments for unit 3. You just need to study the learning standards and be ready to pass the test. To help you all out with the limited amount of time left in the year, I have made a written test for unit 3, as well. So, if you haven't taken the unit 3 oral test already, you can take a written test on whatever day is your period's last day of biology. And whatever grade you earn on that multiple-choice and matching test will be entered into the gradebook.

Some of the information for the unit can still be read from the two chapters of the textbook, chapters 33 and 34 available online. But you can also find lots of great info just by searching Google or YouTube for the standards and vocabulary.

So, what you need to know can be found on the Unit 3 handout, which is available at this link.