Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Grade recovery

The grade recovery process for Biology consists of:
  1. signing and having a parent/guardian sign the grade recovery agreement,
  2. watching 6 videos and taking notes on the videos,
  3. reading Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 in the textbook, and answering questions #1-9 on page 31 and questions #1-10 on page 59, and
  4. earning an 80% or higher on a multiple-choice test. The test will not be open-book.

You must meet all those requirements by Dec 11th in order to have your first 9-weeks grade raised to the next highest grade. If you currently have a 64% for the first 9-weeks, your grade will be raised to a 70%. If you currently have a 68%, then your grade will be raised to a 70%. If you have a 75%, your grade will be raised to an 80%.

If you do not achieve a score of 80% on the test, you may attempt it one additional time, although the second test will be different than the first test. The questions on the test will come from the textbook and the videos. The test can be taken after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays. And the other requirements must be met before a student can take the test.

Here are the 6 videos:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Watch these videos:

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