Wednesday, February 24, 2016

2nd 9-weeks grade recovery

This post explains the requirements for the grade recovery process. If you would like to improve your 3rd 9-weeks grade to the next letter grade, here's your opportunity. There are three parts to the process: 1) the textbook, 2) the videos, and 3) the test.

Part 1: The textbook

Read chapters 4-6 and answer the questions listed below. You must bring this work to turn in when you're ready for part 3.

Chapter 4: Ecosystems and Communities
Page 127 #1-10

Chapter 5: Populations
Page 151 #1-10

Chapter 6: Humans in the Biosphere
Page 185 #1-10

Part 2: The videos

Watch each of the 8 videos embedded below, and take notes on the videos. You will need to turn in the notes, along with the work for part 1, when you come in to take the test.

Ecology: Rules for Living on Earth

Population Ecology: The Texas Mosquito Mystery

Human Population Growth

Ecological Succession: Change is Good

Human Impacts on the Environment

Food Webs and Energy Pyramids

Ecological Succession: Nature's Great Grit

Biomagnification and the Infamous DDT

Part 3: The test

Once you have completed parts 1 and 2, you can take the final test. The test will be 45 multiple-choice questions, and you must score a 70% or better on the test to earn the higher grade. The test will NOT be open-book, so you need to know the material pretty well. If you do not score a 70% the first time you take the test, you may try it one more time. You must schedule a time with me to take the test.

All three parts of the grade recovery process must be completed by April 6, which is the last day of the 3rd 9-weeks. 

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